Flight Following

System and Message Overviews

Document Version: 5.10

Date: October 2, 2019

Copyright © 2009-2023 Jeppesen. All rights reserved. Your use of the AIM Bookshelf and all supporting documentation is subject to a separate license agreement between you and Jeppesen, a copy of which is included in the zip file or can be obtained from Jeppesen. The AIM Bookshelf is delivered "AS IS" without warranty of any kind and is not guaranteed to be free from errors or defects. You rely on the AIM Bookshelf at your own risk. No support for the AIM Bookshelf is implied through its publication. The AIM Bookshelf is intended solely for use as a reference and examples of interfaces to Jeppesen systems. Jeppesen may revise, update or cease publication at any time, without notice. Building to the specifications set forth in the AIM Bookshelf does not mean that your intended integration needs will be met or that an interface will function as documented. We recommend contacting Jeppesen directly to discuss professional services options with respect to production application integration and validation efforts.


Document Revision History

The following revision history table reflects all substantive changes to this document since the previous release.


Description of Updates Made


Added customerId to FF002.

03-November-08 Updated FP002 message details table to correctly show that FP002 is a REQUEST/RESPONSE message.
01-February-10 Added "source" to FF002 response, and "equipmentCode" to FF002 request.
30-August-10 Updated links for new Bookshelf directory structure.
14-October-10 Updated message FF002 to version 4.
11-January-11 New XSD. Updated message FF002 to version 3. (Previous update - version 4 - was in error)
27-January-11 New XSD.
24-February-11 New XSD.
23-May-11 New XSD. New message FF003v1
23-July-13 New XSD.
8-November-13 New XSD. New message FF004v1, New FF004 samples
19-March-14 New XSD. Updated FF004.
26-May-15 New XSD. etd  Estimated Time of Departure – removed the  "(out)", eta Estimated Time of Arrival – removed the "(in)" in the annotation.
2-October-19 etd Response sample -- removed second set of xml tags.

Table Of Contents


1  Introduction

This document defines the interfaces which govern the interchange of data between a Flight Following system and other systems within an Airline Operation Center (AOC).  Each AOC interface is represented by a message described in an associated XSD (XML Schema Definition). The XSD defines and enforces the required, optional, and conditional data that can be included in a message.

Flight Following systems provide a real-time graphical tool for flight tracking, usually with geopolitical and current weather map overlays.  Information displayed includes aircraft location, status, and weather.

1.1  Audience

The intended audience for this document includes existing and potential Jeppesen customers, integration partners, and personnel with roles associated with application architecture, application development, system testing, implementation, and application support within Flight Following.

1.2  Scope

This document discusses the Flight Following messages currently supported by the Jeppesen Solution Integrator. Each message description includes the following:

  • Overview for common message uses within an AOC
  • Message Version Summary listing all available versions of each message
  • Links to the message specifications including direct links to XSD documentation, where you can explore the XSD hierarchy and interface specifications in a navigable HTML format
  • Links to the XSD source code
  • Links to sample XML messages for each AOC message

Other data interfaces or formats not included in this document will be considered custom and not supported.

1.3  XML Schema/XSD

The XML schema for this ICD is published in the following file: FlightFollowing.XSD

1.4 Key Concepts

1.4.1 Flight Following: Stand-alone Versus Integrated Application

Stand-alone Flight Following systems collect and process aircraft-positioning data and then publish that information to other AOC systems. Many airlines are moving towards more data-driven integrated systems. The Flight Following system could serve as the collection point for all aircraft position data and then expose that data to other AOC systems through services. For example, the Flight Following system collects aircraft position data on Flight 1234. Rather than the producing a graphical representation of the data and then passing the maps to another system (for example, the Dispatch system), the Dispatch system can simply access the Flight Following data and then use its own graphical tools to interpret the data.
The message FF002 Flight Information provides other AOC systems access to flight following data.

2  Message Summary

Table 2-1 lists the messages that can be sent or handled by the application. The messages originated by this application (messages that begin with “FF”) are further discussed in Section 3 AOC Interface Messages.

Table 2-1 Message Summary







InFlight Reroute





Flight Information





Flight Tracking Data Feed





Recently Cleared Route




3 AOC Interface Messages

The following messages are processed by the Flight Following system.

3.1 FF001 - InFlight Reroute

3.1.1  Message Overview

This message is used to publish in-flight reroute information. Reroute is defined as any deviation from the original flight plan that occurs after takeoff—for example, new waypoints or new airports resulting from weather hazards, airport closures, or congestion. This message is typically sent to the Dispatch system, which uses the information to calculate and communicate all necessary diversions and delays. 

The in-flight reroute message identifies the flight and considers such items as payload, fuel and location, which are essential data when considering an alternate route.

The following drawing illustrates a typical situation using the InFlight Reroute message.

Example: InFlight reroute to avoid bad weather

Figure 1. Example: InFlight Reroute to avoid bad weather.

3.1.2  Message System Flow

This message interacts with the systems as shown in Figure 2.

FF001 message system flow

Figure 2. FF001 message system flow

3.1.3   Message Details

The following table provides details on the message version and includes links to the message’s technical specification.

Message Version

FF001 v1

Message Header Details

msgName: FF001
msgClass: PUBLISH
version: 1

Message Specification

FF001 InFlightRerouteType

Defined in XSD


Sample Messages


Message Version History Updated message FF001 to use the version 2 FlightKeyType.


3.2 FF002 - Flight Information

3.2.1 Message Overview

Systems within the AOC can request flight position data that has been gathered and processed by the Flight Following system.  For example, a dispatcher sees that there is bad weather within the flight’s planned path. Through his Dispatch system, he requests the current aircraft position in order to determine if a re-route is appropriate.

AOC systems can request flight information for a specific flight or a range of flights according to filter criteria included in the message. Possible filtered searches include:

  • Flight Information – include data on any flights with a specific call sign, flight key, poa or pod.
  • Diverted – filter information to return only flight information for diverted flights or flights that have not been diverted.
  • Area – include data on any flights within a geographic region based on latitude and longitude points.
  • Late or Early – include data for flights that are running late or early based on their position relative to the original flight plan.
  • Flight Status – include data for flights based on current status as in-flight, arrived, or planned.

The filtered flight information is returned to the requesting system at the requested level of detail. For example, the dispatcher can request a basic report that includes basic data such as callsign, position, time, course, and lat, long, or he can request an extended, advanced, or full report to include additional detailed flight information. Refer to Table 3‑6 for details on limiting information details using the requestClass field.

The following process illustrates a typical use of the FF002 – Flight Information usage.

Sample flight information request / response process

Figure 3. Sample flight information request / response process.

3.2.2  Message System Flow

This message interacts with the systems as shown in Figure 4.

FF002 message system flow

Figure 4. FF002 message system flow

3.2.3  Message Details

The following table provides details on the message and includes links to the message’s technical specification.

Message Version

FF002 v3

Message Header Details (REQUEST/RESPONSE)

msgName: FF002
version: 3

Message Specification

FF002 FlightInformationRequestType
FF002 FlightInformationResponseType

Defined in XSD


Sample Messages


Message Version History Version 1
* Added customerId to FF002.

Version 2
* 02-01-10: Added "source" to FF002 response, and "equipmentCode" to FF002 request.

Version 3
* 01-10-11: Create different structure within FF002 response that replaces CheckpointType (common element) to CheckpointDefinitionType. 
* New structure is sequence (rather than choice) and makes coordinates mandatory. 
* Waypoint, userdefinedName, dmeFix are all optional.

*** 05-26-15 edit: No Version Change: etd  Estimated Time of Departure – removed the  "(out)", eta Estimated Time of Arrival – removed the "(in)" in the annotation. These updates do not change the version for FF002 Request / Response.

*** 10-2-19 edit: No Version Change: edited Response sample -- removed second set of xml tags.

3.3 FF003 - Flight Tracking Data Feed

3.3.1 Message Overview

This is a Publish message used to carry AMR ASDI data feed to adapter, transformed then to FF003 to Dispatch Services.

3.3.2  Message System Flow

This message interacts with the systems as shown in Figure 5.

FF003 Flow

Figure 5. FF003 message system flow

3.3.3  Message Details

The following table provides details on the message and includes links to the message’s technical specification.

Message Version

FF003 v1

Message Header Details

msgName: FF003
msgClass: PUBLISH
version: 1

Message Specification

FF003 FlightTrackingDataFeedType

Defined in XSD


Sample Messages


Message Version History

Version 1
Initial publication.

3.4 FF004 - Recently Cleared Route

3.4.1 Message Overview

This message is used to provide details on recently cleared routes for specific scenarios (such as a specific Point of Departure (PoD) and Point of Arrival (PoA), etc.)

3.4.2  Message System Flow

This message interacts with the systems as shown in Figure 6.

FF003 Flow

Figure 6. FF004 message system flow

3.4.3  Message Details

The following table provides details on the message and includes links to the message's technical specification.

Message Version

FF004 v1

Message Header Details (REQUEST/RESPONSE)

msgName: FF004
version: 1

Message Specification

FF004 RecentlyClearedRouteRequestType
FF004 RecentlyClearedRouteResponseType

Defined in XSD


Sample Messages


Message Version History

Version 1
Initial publication.